Lei Federal Nº 13.811 - – Alterações no Código Civil relativa ao casamento precoce (Amendment to provisions regarding early marriage)

This law amends Article 1,520 of the Civil Code in order to establish that only persons who have reached the age of marriage determined in article 1,517 of the Civil Code may marry. Article 1,517 of the Civil Code provides that a man and woman who have not reached the age of majority may marry at age 16 if they have received authorization from both of their parents or their legal representatives. (Article 5 of the Civil Code provided that minority ceases at the age of 18, when the person is entitled to practice all acts of civil life.) Before this amendment, Article 1,520 of the Civil Code established that those who had not yet reached the age of marriage according to Article 1,517 would be allowed to marry to avoid the imposition or enforcement of criminal penalties or in the case of pregnancy. This is no longer permitted as a reason to marry younger than the age of 16.

Referida Lei Federal alterou o artigo 1520 do Código Civil para estabelecer que apenas pessoas que atingiram a idade núbil poderiam contrair casamento. Nesse aspecto, o artigo 1517 do Código Civil estabelece que o homem e a mulher com dezesseis anos podem casar-se, exigindo-se autorização de ambos os pais, ou de seus representantes legais, enquanto não atingida a maioridade civil, que é de 18 anos, nos termos do artigo 5º. Antes dessa alteração, o artigo 1520 estabelecia que aqueles que ainda não tinham atingido a idade núbil poderiam se casar, para evitar imposição ou cumprimento de pena criminal ou em caso de gravidez.



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