Title 32 - Commerce and Economic and Community Development

  1. 1c - Personal Data (§ 32-1c-1 to 32-1c-7)
  2. 5a - Standards for Repayment of Loans or Grants Made to Business Organizations that Relocate Out of State (§ 32-5a-1 to 32-5a-3)
  3. 6a - Proposed Regulations for the Implementation of the Restoration of Historic Assets in Connecticut Fund (§ 32-6a-1 to 32-6a-9)
  4. 9bb - Administration of and Eligibility for Dam Repair Loan Funds (§ 32-9bb-1 to 32-9bb-6)
  5. 9f - Small Contractors' Set Aside Program (§ 32-9f-1 to 32-9f-4 to 32-9f-5)
  6. 9hh - Child Care Facilities Loan Program (§ 32-9hh-1 to 32-9hh-6)
  7. 9l - Job Incentive Grant Program (§ 32-9l-1 to 32-9l-7)
  8. 9nn - Loans to Businesses Impacted by Road and Bridge Repair (§ 32-9nn-1 to 32-9nn-6)
  9. 9p - Financial Assistance and Tax Incentives to Encourage Industrial and Business Growth in Areas of High Unemployment (§ 32-9p-1 to 32-9p-10)
  10. 9q - Implementation of Employment Incentive Loan Program and Economic Development Loan Program under Section 32-9q of the General Statutes (§ 32-9q-1 to 32-9q-7)
  11. 9qq - Business Outreach Center Challenge Grant Program (§ 32-9qq-1 to 32-9qq-7)
  12. 9s - Penalties and the Waiver of Penalties for Failure to Comply With Certain State Reporting Requirements (§ 32-9s-1 to 32-9s-2)
  13. 13 - Insuring of Industrial Mortgages (§ 32-13-1 to 32-13-47)
  14. 23o - Small Contractor Loan Program (§ 32-23o-1 to 32-23o-7)
  15. 23z - Business Environmental Clean Up Revolving Loan Fund Program (§ 32-23z-1 to 32-23z-6)
  16. 36 - Implementation of the Connecticut Product Development Corporation Act (§ 32-36-1 to 32-36-7)
  17. 55 - Surety Bond Guarantee Program for Small Contractors (§ 32-55-1 to 32-55-6)
  18. 70 - Enterprise Zone Designation (§ 32-70-1)
  19. 72 - Enterprise Zone Capital Formation Revolving Loan Fund (§ 32-72-1 to 32-72-5)
  20. 75 - Enterprise Zone Program: Non-Eligible Businesses (§ 32-75-1 to 32-75-2)
  21. 75a - Railroad Depot Zone Designation (§ 32-75a-1 to 32-75a-6)
  22. 75c - Qualified Manufacturing Plant Designation (§ 32-75c-1 to 32-75c-6)
  23. 76 - Entertainment District Designation (§ 32-76-1 to 32-76-7)
  24. 82 - Small Contractors and Small Manufacturers Loan Program (§ 32-82-1 to 32-82-8)
  25. 90 - Motion Picture Film Commission (§ 32-90-1 to 32-90-3)
  26. 116 - Infrastructure Development Economic Assistance Program (§ 32-116-1 to 32-116-6)
  27. 130 - Loan Incentives for Employment Fund (§ 32-130-1 to 32-130-5)
  28. 141 - Issuance of Private Activity Bonds (§ 32-141-1 to 32-141-3)
  29. 150 - Employee Ownership Loans and Interest Rate Subsidies (§ 32-150-1 to 32-150-6)
  30. 156 - Northeast Connecticut Capital Assistance Fund (§ 32-156-1 to 32-156-5)
  31. 162 - Exporters Revolving Loan Fund (§ 32-162-1 to 32-162-8)
  32. 167 - Organization of Department of Commerce (§ 32-167-1 to 32-167-7)
  33. 176 - Small Business Innovation Research Assistance Grants (§ 32-176-1 to 32-176-6)
  34. 290 - Entrepreneur Program (§ 32-290-1 to 32-290-4)
  35. 317 - Energy Conservation Loan Program (§ 32-317-1 to 32-317-9)

State regulations are updated quarterly; we currently have two versions available. Below is a comparison between our most recent version and the prior quarterly release. More comparison features will be added as we have more versions to compare.

No prior version found.